“Who are you?”
Yes, I know. It’s Saturday. I’m mad late like 8 days late, but PRIDE Weekend had me tied up. Literally, hehe jk. Or am I? Check out my late FREE WRITE FRIDAY post below!
This is a recurring series where I free write every Friday for 10 minutes uninterrupted. No grammar or spelling corrections. Just raw writing.
Timer set. Lezgo!
Prompt: Use the following sentence as an opener and incorporate the 3 elements listed below:
Opening sentence: “She woke to excited whispers.”
3 elements: A flickering light, a half-eaten box of cookies and a mysterious stranger.
New Yorkers
by María José
She woke to excited whispers.
She rubbed her eyes and saw
a flickering light in the hallway.
She held her breath
as she sat up and slowly
opened her bedside table drawer
She grabbed the knife’s handle and
felt the fuzz of the carpet against her bare feet.
The light bobbed around the living room now
She could still hear whispers but
couldn’t make out all the words.
All she could hear was “chip” and some rustling
She slowly walked down the hall,
knife tightly gripped in her right hand.
The old wooden floor
didn’t betray her, it was quiet too
When she got to the living room
She saw them
Two tall creatures
Hair flowing
Robes to the floor
One was holding a half-eaten box of chocolate chip cookies
The lights seemed to be coming from
their hands. From their skin.
Her heart raced, adrenaline surged even more
“Who are you?” she asked them, knife still in hand.
The two beings stopped eating her cookies
Looked at one another and said:
“We are so sorry to have awoken you. Our interdimensional
Channel is broken. Usually you wouldn’t be able to see us or hear us.
Please do not be afraid. We are from New York too but from another dimension.”
“Another dimension of New York? What you mean? Are you human?”
“We live in this same apartment
in our dimension. And no, we are not human
like you. We are human like
but more advanced you could say.”
“What are the people from Jersey like in your dimension?”
Time’s Up!
Tune in again next Friday!!!
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