“…this will be shocking for you.”
Yes, I know. It’s Saturday. Again. I’m late by a day. BUT, lo and behold my late FREE WRITE FRIDAY post below! It’s a continuation of last week’s using 3 new elements.
This is a recurring series where I free write every Friday for 10 minutes uninterrupted. No grammar or spelling corrections. Just raw writing.
Timer set. Lezgo!
Prompt: Continue last week’s story and incorporate the 3 elements listed below:
3 elements: Flirtation, a torn letter and gold tooth.
New Yorkers (Week #2)
by María José
“The New Jersyans from our dimension
are pretty much like they are your dimension,
except they are joined with
the land you call ‘Staten Island.’”
“Huh. Makes sense…
Can you pull down your hooded robes
so I can see your faces?” she asked the two beings.
They nodded and said:
”Yes, but we must warn you that
this will be shocking for you.”
Her eyes widened and she wondered
if they were huge lizard people under those robes.
They pulled off the hoods with
their gloved 5-finger hands
she squinted through the darkness
to see
and then she
She could not breathe.
She stepped backwards in
“You’re, you’re
me. And Alejandro.”
They nodded again.
She looked at both of them
her eyes frantically moving from one of their
brown faces to the other.
The her in the other dimension had
mint green hair and bushy eyebrows
she reminded her of a sexy caterpillar in a garden.
The 2 beings sensed her confusion and
the other her began to explain:
You and us are from parallel universes.
“In your dimension, you have pink hair
In ours, green.
In your dimension, Alej has a porcelain fake canine tooth
In ours, it’s a gold tooth.”
Other dimension Alejandro smiled, and she saw
the glint of his gold tooth. It reminded her of vintage
Sporty Spice. Our protagonist smiled, “It looks
good” she told him. “Really good.”
“Thank you,” he said. “Your teeth look gorgeous,
just like in our dimension,” and he chin pointed
to his boo in a robe and she smiled at our protagonist.
“Yup, in our dimension of New York, you still have
the best teeth in Queens,” she winked at our protagonist.
“How did you get here? What now?
Also, my name is María José.”
“We know. We read your mail, sorry.
We needed to know where we were,”
other dimension her said looking at torn
envelopes on the dining table.
“We ended up here because we like to go to
other dimensions and have—”
parallel universe her stopped at the sound of
keys jangling
and the apartment door creaking open…
Time’s Up!
Tune in again next Friday!!!
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