Ranting Review - Handmaid’s Tale “Sacrifice” Episode: June Continues To Be The Luckiest Handmaid Alive (White Feminism’s Plot Armor Is Thicker Than Xenu’s)
Handmaid’s Tale “Sacrifice” Episode: June Continues To Be The Luckiest Handmaid Alive (White Feminism’s Plot Armor Is Thicker Than Xenu’s)
Aight, mi gente. I got mad comentario for you about this penultimate episode of Season 3’s The Handmaid's Tale. I’m gona dive right in.
Comentario #1: JUNE DON’T NEVER DIE
For some reason, June never dies and never gets her ass put on the wall. All this despite the fact that June escaped TWICE before, got poor Eleanor to be part of her dangerous scheme to visit the all girls school and now murdering one of the most powerful Commanders in Gilead with no consequences. In last week’s "Liars" episode, a cleaning lady at Jezebel’s found June on the floor of the hotel room, in shock after killing Stabler with a pen. And what luck, the cleaning lady was one of the Chicago 5 women that June saved from the Colonies earlier this season. How very serendipitous. And this working class woman cleaned up June’s mess by disposing of Stabler’s body. Excuse me, I meant to say Commander Winslow. Working class women and Black women stay bailing June out and helping her. Don’t even get me started on June having that Black Martha and her Black walking partner killed. This show has always been trash when it comes to race. But c’mon, I really thought this season the writers were gona do better, but they did even worse than the previous two seasons.
Back to the Jezebel cleaning lady. She finds homegirl mad shook on the floor and magically cleans up her bloody mess like the illest cleaner there ever was. Like yo, what kind of vaccum is that, mi pana? June doesn’t even offer to help. Does June ever clean up her own messes? Nope, because omg, y’all, it’s June and we all must help June, aka Gilead’s white feminist savior! Why couldn’t the cleaning woman just help June out in solidarity as another brutally oppressed woman suffering under Gilead? Because nah, the writers needed to let you know that June is our white savior because like, she just is...okay?! I am so over June’s ridiculous plot armor.
I will say though, I was cheering her on as she stabbed Stabler with a pen over and over again. Toma, toma, toma!!!!!!!!
June lucky af, per usual. She shanked Stabler and got away with it the next day. Mad convenient.
AND of course, June gets away with murder with no consequences because Serena and Fred got arrested in Canada and Gilead assumes that “those crazy Americans” got Winslow, explaining why he upped and disappeared. What the fuck. En serio? June is too lucky, too many times. The bitch is a four-leaf clover.
Comentario #2: June = White Feminism
The show is making June our white becky savior. It is perpetuating the myth of White Feminism — that white feminists will save all women. Gurl, stop. The Mayday Marthas BEEN leading the underground resistance against Gilead and rakata, now here comes almighty June to save the childrens…even though the Marthas been done saved June's daughter Nichole and June herself. Except June went rogue and didn’t get in the van to Canada with Emily and Nichole. I’m so confused. Why is June getting so much credit? Like that one G Martha told June: "You didn't do anything. You hopped on an already moving train and now you're Che fucking Guevara." June, you late to the resistance. I’m tired of June and her “sticking it to the man.” Can we see the inner workings of the real Mayday underground operation for once? June’s rebellious little acts are getting so, so very boring omgahhh. You ain't in charge, June. Idc what the writers are trying to convince my brown ass of. You ain't it.
This Martha telling June who da real bad bitches of Gilead are. “Gringita, you fockin Che Guevara now eh??
Beth sweatin and hypin up June. Cue the uterine eye rolls.
When Beth told June “You’re fucking fantastic” for brokering that deal with Billy at Jezebel’s...UGH I rolled my eyes sooooo hard I saw my uterus. She too, was rolling her eyes and almost dropped an egg into my lining and started my period. That scene was that off putting and maddening it made my body want to purge. Didn't Beth just tell June last episode that she ruins everything everywhere she goes?
AND in the supermarket when Rita, one of my faves, smiled and told June: “I’m proud of you...such a boss,” I almost got hemorrhoids. Because I screamed so loud at the screen that my asshole almost popped.
Rita, the real boss, hypin’ up June even though June, let’s be real, ain’t shit compared to the Mayday Marthas. Cue the hemorrhoids.
They got a Black woman telling her white savior that she’s “such a boss” and praising her even though Rita herself is a FUCKING BOSS. Way more of a boss than June ever was or is. Umm, let’s not forget that is was YOU, Rita, and the other kickass Marthas who helped this chick get Baby Nichole out. See below for the REAL bosses of Gilead’s resistance. (Which by the way, June is totally trying to co-opt.)
The supermarket scene between Rita and June was a wet dream for White Feminism. A well-meaning, but delusional white person who totally loves Hillary wrote that dialogue. I know it, I feel it in my bones.
When will white feminists realize that a true revolution means BIPOC women, queer and trans folx to the front? Also, where are all the nonbinary and trans people in Gilead?
Give this Martha an episode of her own!!! June, be gone.
I want an episode following that Black Martha who gave June mad lip during the above meeting in the “Liars” episode. I want an all-Martha episode! Fuck a June-centered episode. Where da real Mayday at?
Sidenote: Also, this reminds me of when Moira finally had an a-ha moment at Jezebel's in Season 1 when June gave her a pep talk which finally pushed Moira to escape her life of forced prostitution/sex slavery at Jezebel’s. “June-eezy taught me!” My ass. Ah, June. She always “saving” people like a pendeja white missionary post college. Except not. She got that Muslim family killed, that Black Martha she was trying to recruit at the supermarket and her Black walking partner Ofmatthew. I need these Marthas to read June again in the basement. Bad Becky! Bad, bad Becky!
Sidenote #2: Why set up Winslow to be gay rubbing Fred’s back during a game of pool, if they were never gona explore that? Queer baiting much?
Sidenote #3: Where the fuck are the Black and latinx men on the show? I saw one Black Commander one time in the whole series.
Comentario #3: Serena is a desperate fool. Ya played yaself.
Serena, do you really think that the Americans or Canada will ever give you, a war criminal, custody of Baby Nichole? You just gona keep seeing her for an hour a week for the rest of your life? I am actually mad they have simplified Serena as all sacrificing (she gave up her albeit wack husband and stature in Gilead to live in a glass cell) just to be a dique mother. But then again, Serena has been drinking her own self-hating Kool-Aid. I’m sure she has internalized misogyny and believes that if she can’t be a mother, then her life has no meaning or purpose. BARF. Also, ain’t she look like Katie from finance in that H&M business wear?
Mark, the American agent, making eyes at Serena. Where is this storyline bout to go? Serena finally about to get some non-fascist d?
She definitely has a crush on Mark, that American fellow. He indulges in their chemistry too. I hope he is playing her and will come down with Candy’s Hammer on her in war court for her shysty ass ways.
Moira’s scene spitting venomous truth at Serena was the highlight of the whole damn episode. Moira knows who you are… paraphrasing “...just because you got different clothes doesn’t mean you’re not the same bitch who held down my best friend so your husband could rape her. And your husband raped me too. YOU are the GENDER TRAITOR!” Tell her, Moira, tell her! And Mark, FUCK YOUUUUU too. For real.
Moira, a real one.
That’s ma bitch. MOIRA, Y’ALL.
LMAO Aaaaaaaa-HAAAAAA!!! Social worker to Serena: You aint this nena’s “momma.” Stop confusing the baby.
Comentario #4: Luke WAAAAAACK
Luke. Luke, Luke, Luke, Luuuuke. SMDH. Where do I even begin with you?
See below: Luke entering Fred's cell with a velcro five-star binder he bought at a Back To School sale.
Luke once again being passive aggressive and overall, just a corny ass dude with his trapper keeper in tow.
Pero papi, what was a binder gona do? What were you planning on doing, exactly, with that velcro binder? Paper cut Commander Fred to death?
Luke is a disappointment. Yes, I know he also has trauma pero I don’t see him going to therapy. He was all shaky and nervous going through the security scan, tryna tell Moira to be cool even though our homegirl was cool as a cucumber. Mind you she was composed even though she knew she was in close proximity to one of her rapists. Meanwhile, Luke is a basic male who can’t even get a word out when Fred owns his ass during their meeting.
Luke, you shoulda thrown those hands from jump. Didn’t you even practice what you were gona say in the mirror?! C’mon bruh, this meeting was so important and monumental for you and you rolled up in there with your AP History notes.
Also, that is a nice fucking pad they put Fred in. How much does it rent for?
Little Bitch Luke. That’s what I’m gona call him from now on. I have never seen Little Bitch Luke in a scene where he wasn’t exhibiting Little Bitch tendencies. He doesn’t ever know how to communicate or stand up for anyone. Even when he confronted Fred during the Waterfords’ first trip to Canada, he ain’t even throw no punches. Nazis and fascists should get punched in the face ON SIGHT. Especially ones who rape your wife.
And remember when Luke was also a little bitch when he was a passive aggressive dick to Emily at the dinner table, basically asking her when she was gona bounce to her wife’s? Luke is a whiny little manchild with bad posture, no swag and no backbone. There are no good men on this show. And I guess that’s the point, right?
June would like a corny, light-skinned Black dude. A white passing latinx actor who cheats on his Black and/or latinx wife with a blonde, blue-eyed white chick would have also done well for this part. I’m not saying interracial dating is bad, but yo, I’d feel a way if my husband left me for a white woman. Yes, I fucking said it! Don’t pretend like we don’t live in a society where white women are held on a pedestal as the ideal of womanhood. Also, I always question the racial dynamics and understandings in a relationship where one of the partners is white. Do you cater to those white tears and privilege? Are you the only POC they know? Are you checking them on their privilege now and forever? I don’t see Luke doing any of that shit with June. And I don’t see June checking Luke on his fuckboyness.
Luke, you weak af. He dicho.
Comentario #5: Eleanor should come back and haunt June, Patrick Swayze “Ghost” style.
June having her dique Walter White moment ::fart sound::
Eleanor did not deserve this ending. Eleanor should come back and sing 99 million bottles of beer on the wall every night until June loses it. The writers made a poorly executed attempt to give June a Walter White ‘Breaking Bad’ moment. Uh huh, you want us to believe that she’s an anti-hero now. Uh huh. I never saw June as a hero, so this anti-hero shit is puzzling and feels cheap and rushed. Eleanor’s death aka June letting her die of a pill overdose, was not set up correctly or with enough build up for us to really care. It was not hard hitting. There’s no point besides mercy for June to let Eleanor OD and die. Yes, Eleanor was close to blabbing during the meeting with Winslow’s wife. Pero, June you were the one who ushered her into that meeting. Knowing damn well la mujer is a nervous wreck and says whatever the hell comes to her mind like that one abuela or tia everyone has.
Eleanor bout to get the whole house on the freakin wall.
IDK WTF the show is trying to do by showing us that June let Eleanor die. Ok, and? That shot of June’s eyes with the black funeral Handmaid bonnet was supposed to make me think she’s going to the dark side now? She wasn’t already heading there when she let her walking partner Ofmatthew have a mental breakdown and kill herself? I can’t roll my eyes hard enough. I’m tired of this show killing off women of color and absolving June of all her Becky ass sins.
Closing: In sum, “Sacrifice” felt like a bland, hipster taco. Served by a dude who looks like Little Bitch Luke. Owned by a gentrifier who looks like June, who went to Mexico for study abroad and came back to open a taco shop in Williamsburg. Pero at least the taco had a pinch of sazón aka Moira who made it somewhat edible.
The season finale airs this Wednesday. The preview shows June telling Commander Lawrence that he can’t shut down her little mastermind operation to get 52 kids out of Gilead. Because she claims she is Mayday now and she da boss, not him. Okay, girl, whatever. Let’s see how you survive this one (because you always do).
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