What would you do your last 24 hours?
This is a recurring series where I free write every Friday for 10 minutes uninterrupted. No grammar or spelling corrections. Just raw writing.
Timer set. Lezgo!
Prompt: What would you do if a meteor hit Earth tomorrow?
Earth Piñata
by María José
A meteor gon kill us all tomorrow. I wonder if climate change had anything to do with this. I wonder if people will really storm Area 51 now. I sure would if I lived in New Mexico.
I think I should call everyone I know & tell them how I feel about them.
"Mom, I love you."
"Dad, I love you with conditions."
To my 4 brothers, I’d want to hug them one last time.
To my enemies, I’d tell em to bring sunscreen because hell is hot.
Maybe my family should throw a party. Fuck it. If we gon die, let’s go together. My grandma could host all of us in her house in Queens. The house I grew up in. We could all BBQ in the backyard & my tía could make a meteor piñata & we’d all take a swing. Though I guess it’d make more sense to make an Earth piñata. We’d all have a turn, take a swing. Watch it explode with candy.
I would to tell my grandma I’m sorry it took the end of the world for me to finally visit her. I’d tell my cousin to bring the best weed & edibles. I would love to see the meteor from the backyard I played in so many summer afternoons of my childhood. I’ve always said, "I was born in Queens & Ima die in Queens."
I wonder if we will all die on impact. Or if it’ll be an ice age we will have to freeze and suffer through. I hope the former. I hate the cold.
I wonder if we would cry. Probably. It’d be sad. I hope everyone I love comes to the house party. And not get depressed & panic & freeze, staying paralyzed with fear in their apartments or houses. We would have to accept the meteor. Maybe we will all come back…in the next life.
Time’s Up!
Tune in again next Friday!!!
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