JUNE 7, 2019: The future is bloody…
This is a recurring series where I free write every Friday for 10 minutes uninterrupted. No grammar or spelling corrections. Just raw writing.
Timer set. Lezgo!
Prompt: Just write off the dome. No specific prompt.
I;m sitting down drinking a beer. A German beer. I’m here, I’m queer, I’m drinking a beer. Eyyyy. I’m at a queer Muslim coworking spot in my neighborhood in Berlin. I come here every day for the past week, sit down and write my killer ass novel. They serve vegan lunch everyday and I get free coffee and tea with my membership. Takes the worry out of feeding myself each day and spending time prepping food when I can just use that time to scratch my butt and write.
The beer feels good in my tummy. I feel bloated. But also because my period is coming soon. Aaaaaand I lost half of you reading lmao das ok.
so my period… i used to get my period up until like 2 years ago only once every 6-8 weeks. That;s like, what? 4-6 periods a year? Something like that. Point is, I do not enjoy it. It just is very inconvenient and painful. I try to get into it and love my cycle and moon cycle literature is inspiring and all that, but I am still learning to love my period. I really wish cismen could menstruate. thats why i am writing a novella about a feminist fantasy gender bending world where all cis boys and men have begun to menstruate due to evolutionary and environmental factors. Humans must procreate becaus ethe human population is dwindling due to climate change. As a result, our human evolutionary trajectory responds by giving men the gift of menstruation…and pregnancy! Evolution is a response to external environment and if human race is dwindling, is it so far fetched to think that our human biology would make it so all us would be able to bare children? WOuld men bare children if it meant savign the human race? Would they evern be a thing such as “men” and “women” anymore? That’s a world I wana live in. Fuck this Trumpian nightmare propoganda bullshit.
I am def gona get a second beer after this. They only cost 2.50 euro! mad cheap, son. Ok, so i have only smoked weed once in the like 8 weeks ive been abroad. Not on purpose necessarily, but I just haven’t felt the craving to go out there and really get some. I mean, I been craving it, but not like itching my neck i gotta have it craving. Yoooo you know what ive been craving for real though? The end of patriarchy lol im always craving that. Burn the shit dowwwwwwn.
I finished . my last cigarette today. It’s my 4th pack in the last 3 weeks. Meh. WHatevz. I only smoke in europe.
Ok, so my novel. It’s fun to write. but it’s hard to put myself in Charo’s killer mind. She is based on me and my anger, but it requires a lot to write compelling characters, how they think and why they do what they do. And how they do it! I have been looking at every man I see in the street, cafe or bar like a potential victim of hers. How will she abduct them? How will she kill them? How will she know when to stop, if ever? What’s her favorite flavor of ice cream? Weed strain? Muah! Time’s Up!!!