RSVP for my Reading: Thurs. 12/10 @4PM EST

***RSVP here!***

Queer|Art|Mentorship Fellow María José Maldonado (she/they) will be performing a live reading of their novel-in-progress titled “The Last Men On Earth” which takes place in 2126, in a future where cisgender boys and men have begun to menstruate due to the dwindling human population caused by climate change, disease and dangerous governments. “The Last Men On Earth” is a coming of age story set in Queens, NY and follows the life of a newly menstruating seventeen-year-old Salvadoran-American boy named Benicio “Beni” Torres.

María José’s live reading of their novel will be followed by a conversation with their Queer|Art Mentor Charles Rice-Gonzalez, award-winning author of the seminal novel “Chulito,” the first published novel about a gay Puerto Rican experience in New York City.

This event is part of the 2019-2020 Queer|Art|Mentorship Annual Exhibition, curated by current Fellow Anthonywash.Rosado and titled ARCANUM, open from October 29, 2020 through January 7, 2021. The exhibition will present across multiple formats and locations, including a virtual gallery and public outdoor performances throughout New York City, new work by graduating Fellows of the 2019-2020 Queer|Art|Mentorship program: Brian Gonzalez, Patrick G. Lee, María José Maldonado, Felli Maynard, Olaiya Olayemi, Sarah Sanders, and Sarah Zapata. ⁣Learn more at https://www.queer-art.org/arcanum.


LIT CHAT!: Raja Feather Kelly, Mariá José Maldonado, and Sarah Zapata (WATCH!)

Watch LIT CHAT! with Raja Feather Kelly (@rajafeatherkelly), Mariá José Maldonado (@saymariajose) & Sarah Zapata (@sylk_z).
Visit ARCANUM like, now bbs!

Púchica! It's A Book Talk: Commemorating CISPES’ 40 Years of International Solidarity with Roberto Lovato (WATCH!)

CISPES fundraising event + my conversation with Roberto Lovato, Salvadoran-American journalist, author & Salvadoran jedi:

If you’re Salvadoran, you need to WATCH this! Press PLAY, bichitx!

I had the honor to host + interview Roberto Lovato, author of the incredible book “Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs, and Revolution in the Americas” as part of CISPES’ (Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) 40th anniversary event “Púchica! It's A Book Talk: Commemorating CISPES’ 40 Years of International Solidarity with Roberto Lovato.”


QUEER|ART MENTORSHIP — I’m a 2019-2020 Literature Fellow working on a latinx gender-bending, climate change novel under the mentorship of Charles Rice-González. My novel “The Last Men On Earth” takes place in a future where cisgender boys and men have begun to menstruate due to the dwindling human population caused by climate change. To survive mass extinction, evolution has endowed all humans the gifts of menstruation and pregnancy. My novel will include accompanying illustrations to destigmatize menstruation and feature Central American faces, still migrating and surviving 100 years from now.

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Poets & Writers:
I’m a proud alum of Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art’s “Creative Writing from Queer Resistance Workshop” which Poets & Writers sponsored! Read more about it below!



We had a public reading at the Leslie-Lohman Museum! My fuego workshop mates with our incomparable queer writing instructor, the one and only, Nancy Agabian in the red hat. (Dec. 2017)

We had a public reading at the Leslie-Lohman Museum! My fuego workshop mates with our incomparable queer writing instructor, the one and only, Nancy Agabian in the red hat. (Dec. 2017)

Poets & Writers Ninth Annual Collecting Cultures Reading at Center for Book Arts in New York City

I participated in this reading on behalf of the Creative Writing from Queer Resistance workshop with fellow writer and friend Jack York. I read an excerpt from “Rosario, The Millennial Murderer,” my lovable latinx serial killer novel-in-progress about a 30s something latinx woman in NYC who starts to crack under patriarchy and starts to abduct and torture cisgender men.

Poets & Writers’ Ninth Annual Connecting Cultures Reading in New York City at Center for the Book Arts in Chelsea, Manhattan. (May 2018)

Poets & Writers’ Ninth Annual Connecting Cultures Reading in New York City at Center for the Book Arts in Chelsea, Manhattan. (May 2018)

Zine Launch — Streaks of Lavender @streaksoflavender

The badass queer alums and I of Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art’s “Creative Writing from Queer Resistance” started a zine!

We launched the zine at the Museum and gave a Rage writing workshop at the 2019 Feminist Zinefest at Bard College!

Order yours today!


NYC Feminist Zinefest Workshop 2019 @nycfeministzinefest

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With our angry & beautiful participants of out “Streaks of Lavender: Queer Resistance” Zinefest workshop! (Mar. 2019)

With our angry & beautiful participants of out “Streaks of Lavender: Queer Resistance” Zinefest workshop! (Mar. 2019)